The JROTC program is the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. It is a class available at Edison High School to any student.
To some it is more than just a class, it is a hobby and friendly environment. A very note-worthy attribute to our program
is that it is ran by the cadets themselves.
In our program cadets are able to learn about several interesting topics such as:
-- First Aid
-- Leadership Techniques
-- Foundations for Personal Success
-- Map Reading
-- Situation Control
-- Many More!
Those are just a few of the many things a cadet can learn through their participation in the JROTC program. As a cadet
becomes an upperclassman they have the opportunity to become a staff officer. This allows the cadet to have a sense of pride
as they become a cornerstone to something great they have maintained. Graduates who leave the program have an advantage in
the real career world in that they have received Leadership Training. Managers, CEOs, and Politicians all use Leadership techniques
to do their jobs, and to do them well. JROTC helps provide it's cadets with such a background.
Edison's JROTC program also has several competitive teams listed below:
-- Armed and Unarmed Regulation
-- Armed and Unarmed Exhibition
-- Color Guard
-- Honor Guard (Saber Team)
-- Physical Challenge Team
-- Academic Challenge Team
Any cadet can be on one of these teams, and with each team comes a sense of discipline unique to JROTC.
If you are interested in joining the JROTC program, please contact your counselor, First Sergeant Shipps, or Colonel King.
